St. Patrick's Day Virtual Event - "Connecting Clare"

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Clare people at home and abroad are invited to virtually come together to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day online

This year Clare County Council is delighted to organise and present St. Patrick’s Day via our online event, which can be accessed globally on Clare County Council’s YouTube Channel and Facebook page. We are inviting all Clare people at home and abroad to celebrate together, by engaging with us either through active participation or being a member of our global audience. It will be a fantastic opportunity for Clare People to showcase their talent across the globe .

To achieve this goal we are requesting that you record an individual / group performance and submit it to us online (details below). You might like to get members of your group to logon to Zoom and record all the individuals performing together as a group online. We are looking for variety so music, song, poetry, dance, backyard parade, your choice. Please embrace the theme ‘Connecting Clare’ in your performances.

A judging panel selected by Ennis Municipal District will review all entries. On St. Patrick’s Day we will be releasing short videos every hour between 11am and 5pm. Performances which secure a place on the final videos released on St. Patrick’s Day and are not category winners, will be entered into a draw for 2 * €100 Clare Gift Card. There will also be prizes for winners in the following categories ;

  • Best interpretation of theme (€300)
  • Best children’s performance (€300)
  • Most imaginative entry (€300)

Winners in these categories will be announced on the video released at 5pm.

How to enter

  • Record your performance (adhering to public health guidelines around covid19). The video should be

    • recorded in landscape mode
    • in one of the following formats: MOV or MP4
    • HD as standard
    • a maximum of 3 minutes in length
      (Full details are in the Video release document in Step 1 below.)

  • Gain appropriate consent for each individual performing (parental consent for minors)
  • Go to Step 1 below

We will not be in a position to accept entries which 1) are submitted without the appropriate consent 2) do not strictly adhere to public health guidelines around covid19.


Clare County Council retains all legal rights and title to use, throughout the world, any photograph, video or film in connection with the 2021 Ennis St. Patrick's Day parade for use on TV, pay TV, theatrical release, video or any other type of exhibition or exploitation. Responsibility for any permissions required remain with the applicant group.

Clare people at home and abroad are invited to virtually come together to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day online

This year Clare County Council is delighted to organise and present St. Patrick’s Day via our online event, which can be accessed globally on Clare County Council’s YouTube Channel and Facebook page. We are inviting all Clare people at home and abroad to celebrate together, by engaging with us either through active participation or being a member of our global audience. It will be a fantastic opportunity for Clare People to showcase their talent across the globe .

To achieve this goal we are requesting that you record an individual / group performance and submit it to us online (details below). You might like to get members of your group to logon to Zoom and record all the individuals performing together as a group online. We are looking for variety so music, song, poetry, dance, backyard parade, your choice. Please embrace the theme ‘Connecting Clare’ in your performances.

A judging panel selected by Ennis Municipal District will review all entries. On St. Patrick’s Day we will be releasing short videos every hour between 11am and 5pm. Performances which secure a place on the final videos released on St. Patrick’s Day and are not category winners, will be entered into a draw for 2 * €100 Clare Gift Card. There will also be prizes for winners in the following categories ;

  • Best interpretation of theme (€300)
  • Best children’s performance (€300)
  • Most imaginative entry (€300)

Winners in these categories will be announced on the video released at 5pm.

How to enter

  • Record your performance (adhering to public health guidelines around covid19). The video should be

    • recorded in landscape mode
    • in one of the following formats: MOV or MP4
    • HD as standard
    • a maximum of 3 minutes in length
      (Full details are in the Video release document in Step 1 below.)

  • Gain appropriate consent for each individual performing (parental consent for minors)
  • Go to Step 1 below

We will not be in a position to accept entries which 1) are submitted without the appropriate consent 2) do not strictly adhere to public health guidelines around covid19.


Clare County Council retains all legal rights and title to use, throughout the world, any photograph, video or film in connection with the 2021 Ennis St. Patrick's Day parade for use on TV, pay TV, theatrical release, video or any other type of exhibition or exploitation. Responsibility for any permissions required remain with the applicant group.