Sixmilebridge Town Centre First Masterplan

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Consultation has concluded

Town Centre First A Policy Approach for Irish Towns

Following an initial stage of public consultation engagement in November 2022, the Town Centre First masterplan design team have developed a set of emerging themes, ideas and proposed interventions for Sixmilebridge. Now we want to hear what you think!

Here's The Story So Far…

In December 2021, Sixmilebridge was chosen as the first town in Clare to be awarded funding to produce a masterplan under the National Town Centre First initiative. In August 2022 an Integrated Design Team led by Allies and Morrison Ltd, was appointed to prepare the plan.

The aim of this masterplan is to set out a clear vision and an enabling framework for the future direction of the town’s development, encompassing ‘place-making’, town centre living, the social and economic purpose of the town, the reactivation of key sites as well as addressing vacancy and dereliction within the town centre. The masterplan will not be a fixed blueprint but will set out a range of potential opportunities. A local representative ‘Town Team’ has been formed who will use the masterplan to help deliver improvements to the town.

Throughout 2022, the design team has been working on gathering the views and aspirations of the local community during the initial stage of engagement. The working draft plan is evidence based and has been informed by a walkability audit, a town centre derilict and vacancy site audit, stakeholder workshops and a public survey. Using your feedback, evidence based data and their analysis of the town, the design team have now developed a set of themes, emerging ideas, and interventions for the strategy.

Have Your Say!

Clare County Council is now seeking your views and feedback on these emerging ideas for the town.

We want to ensure that the masterplan meets the aspirations of the whole community and therefore we would like to hear from all stakeholders within the local community of Sixmilebridge - from local residents, traders, business owners, shop keepers, young people, senior citizens etc. The feedback that we will receive will help shape the final masterplan for Sixmilebridge

Picture of main squareMain Square

Community Drop-In Event

We invite you to come to a Community Drop-In Event in Sixmilebridge Town Square on Saturday 6th May 2023 from 10am until 2pm, where you will be able to speak with the design team consultants Allies and Morrison and Clare County Council representatives.

Online Survey

As part of our public consultation process, we are conducting an online survey for the purposes of gathering valuable information and feedback from you the public. We would love to hear from you and invite you to participate in our survey (see details below).

Submissions & Observations

If you have any further thoughts, ideas or opinions on any aspect of how Sixmilebridge can be enhanced, we would like to hear from you. Any individual or interested parties can make a submission or observation either through this online platform, or in writing to Clare County Council (please see full deails below).

If you wish to make a submission or observation in writing, you can do so to the following address:

"Sixmilebridge Masterplan", Town Centre First, Economic Development Directorate, Clare County Council, Áras Contae and Chláir, New Road, Ennis, Co. Clare. V95 DX92.

Submissions or observations can be made during the public consultation period which will run from

Friday 28th April 2023 until 10:00 a.m. Wednesday 17th May 2023.

(Please note that submissions or observations received are subject to meeting requirements under relevant data protection legislation. All submissions/observations will be subject to Freedom of Information legislation).

Goverment of Ireland, Department of Rural and Community Development, Clare County Council and Allies and Morrison logos

Following an initial stage of public consultation engagement in November 2022, the Town Centre First masterplan design team have developed a set of emerging themes, ideas and proposed interventions for Sixmilebridge. Now we want to hear what you think!

Here's The Story So Far…

In December 2021, Sixmilebridge was chosen as the first town in Clare to be awarded funding to produce a masterplan under the National Town Centre First initiative. In August 2022 an Integrated Design Team led by Allies and Morrison Ltd, was appointed to prepare the plan.

The aim of this masterplan is to set out a clear vision and an enabling framework for the future direction of the town’s development, encompassing ‘place-making’, town centre living, the social and economic purpose of the town, the reactivation of key sites as well as addressing vacancy and dereliction within the town centre. The masterplan will not be a fixed blueprint but will set out a range of potential opportunities. A local representative ‘Town Team’ has been formed who will use the masterplan to help deliver improvements to the town.

Throughout 2022, the design team has been working on gathering the views and aspirations of the local community during the initial stage of engagement. The working draft plan is evidence based and has been informed by a walkability audit, a town centre derilict and vacancy site audit, stakeholder workshops and a public survey. Using your feedback, evidence based data and their analysis of the town, the design team have now developed a set of themes, emerging ideas, and interventions for the strategy.

Have Your Say!

Clare County Council is now seeking your views and feedback on these emerging ideas for the town.

We want to ensure that the masterplan meets the aspirations of the whole community and therefore we would like to hear from all stakeholders within the local community of Sixmilebridge - from local residents, traders, business owners, shop keepers, young people, senior citizens etc. The feedback that we will receive will help shape the final masterplan for Sixmilebridge

Picture of main squareMain Square

Community Drop-In Event

We invite you to come to a Community Drop-In Event in Sixmilebridge Town Square on Saturday 6th May 2023 from 10am until 2pm, where you will be able to speak with the design team consultants Allies and Morrison and Clare County Council representatives.

Online Survey

As part of our public consultation process, we are conducting an online survey for the purposes of gathering valuable information and feedback from you the public. We would love to hear from you and invite you to participate in our survey (see details below).

Submissions & Observations

If you have any further thoughts, ideas or opinions on any aspect of how Sixmilebridge can be enhanced, we would like to hear from you. Any individual or interested parties can make a submission or observation either through this online platform, or in writing to Clare County Council (please see full deails below).

If you wish to make a submission or observation in writing, you can do so to the following address:

"Sixmilebridge Masterplan", Town Centre First, Economic Development Directorate, Clare County Council, Áras Contae and Chláir, New Road, Ennis, Co. Clare. V95 DX92.

Submissions or observations can be made during the public consultation period which will run from

Friday 28th April 2023 until 10:00 a.m. Wednesday 17th May 2023.

(Please note that submissions or observations received are subject to meeting requirements under relevant data protection legislation. All submissions/observations will be subject to Freedom of Information legislation).

Goverment of Ireland, Department of Rural and Community Development, Clare County Council and Allies and Morrison logos

Consultation has concluded
  • Stage 1 - Sixmilebridge your Town your Plan

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    almost 2 years ago
    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    Following an initial stage of public consultation engagement in November 2022, the Town Centre First masterplan design team have developed a set of emerging themes, ideas and proposed interventions for Sixmilebridge. View stage one of the consultation.