Kilkee Green Business Hub

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We are delighted that Kilkee in Co. Clare has been selected as one of Irelands first My Waste Green Business Hubs. By becoming a Green Business hub it will make it easy for both business and visitors to Kilkee to take the necessary steps to protect and improve our environment.

The Kilkee Green Business Hub team

This is a partnership with the Environment Section, Clare County Council working in conjunction with, Kilkee Chamber of Commerce, Kilkee Tidy Towns, Kilkee Gateway to the Ocean.

Kilkee Green Business Hub

The aim of the Green Business Hub is to work with business and support staff and customers

  1. To prevent and reduce waste generated, including food waste
  2. Separate waste to general Waste, recycling and food waste
  3. Reduce littering

Benefit to business

Reduced business cost: By preventing and recycling waste the cost of disposal of your waste will reduce.

Supports climate action in the community: This initiative supports a circular economy which reduces the carbon footprint of any business.

Free resources and support available: are making free signage available to sperate waste to General Waste, Recycling and Food Waste. Clare County Council will further support business with waste audits and provide any necessary advice/guidance.

Business acknowledgement: All participating business will receive a window sticker as shown below. In addition participating businesses will be acknowledged on this web resource and through social media.

I am a business – how can I get involved?

For a business to become involved in the Green Business Hub a commitment will need to be made on the following:

  1. To separate waste to General Waste, Recycling and Food Waste in all areas of the business, including waste from customer sit down areas
  2. Implement two actions to prevent / reduce waste
  3. Implement two actions to reduce littering in the community
  4. To make your commitment you can register your business by registering below or by clicking HERE

Businesses currently participating are:

I am a visitor to Kilkee – how can I support the Kilkee Green Business

Visitors to Kilkee can take lots of small actions to support this initiative. Here are some tips and hints:

  1. Support participating businesses. Participating business will display a My Waste Green Hub Business sticker. Participating businesses are currently listed on this webpage
  2. Choose to reuse/refill your water bottle
  3. Bring your reusable coffee/tea cup and avoid single use
  4. Keep our street, roads and beach litter free
  5. Walk or cycle to get to and from the beach
  6. Clean up after your dog – Bag it and Bin it
  7. Segregate your waste to Recycling, Food Waste and General Waste
  8. Do a Clean Coast #2MinuteBeachClean
  9. Switch lights off in unoccupied rooms of accommodation
  10. Save water and energy by shortening your shower time by a minute or two.

We are delighted that Kilkee in Co. Clare has been selected as one of Irelands first My Waste Green Business Hubs. By becoming a Green Business hub it will make it easy for both business and visitors to Kilkee to take the necessary steps to protect and improve our environment.

The Kilkee Green Business Hub team

This is a partnership with the Environment Section, Clare County Council working in conjunction with, Kilkee Chamber of Commerce, Kilkee Tidy Towns, Kilkee Gateway to the Ocean.

Kilkee Green Business Hub

The aim of the Green Business Hub is to work with business and support staff and customers

  1. To prevent and reduce waste generated, including food waste
  2. Separate waste to general Waste, recycling and food waste
  3. Reduce littering

Benefit to business

Reduced business cost: By preventing and recycling waste the cost of disposal of your waste will reduce.

Supports climate action in the community: This initiative supports a circular economy which reduces the carbon footprint of any business.

Free resources and support available: are making free signage available to sperate waste to General Waste, Recycling and Food Waste. Clare County Council will further support business with waste audits and provide any necessary advice/guidance.

Business acknowledgement: All participating business will receive a window sticker as shown below. In addition participating businesses will be acknowledged on this web resource and through social media.

I am a business – how can I get involved?

For a business to become involved in the Green Business Hub a commitment will need to be made on the following:

  1. To separate waste to General Waste, Recycling and Food Waste in all areas of the business, including waste from customer sit down areas
  2. Implement two actions to prevent / reduce waste
  3. Implement two actions to reduce littering in the community
  4. To make your commitment you can register your business by registering below or by clicking HERE

Businesses currently participating are:

I am a visitor to Kilkee – how can I support the Kilkee Green Business

Visitors to Kilkee can take lots of small actions to support this initiative. Here are some tips and hints:

  1. Support participating businesses. Participating business will display a My Waste Green Hub Business sticker. Participating businesses are currently listed on this webpage
  2. Choose to reuse/refill your water bottle
  3. Bring your reusable coffee/tea cup and avoid single use
  4. Keep our street, roads and beach litter free
  5. Walk or cycle to get to and from the beach
  6. Clean up after your dog – Bag it and Bin it
  7. Segregate your waste to Recycling, Food Waste and General Waste
  8. Do a Clean Coast #2MinuteBeachClean
  9. Switch lights off in unoccupied rooms of accommodation
  10. Save water and energy by shortening your shower time by a minute or two.

Kilkee Green Hub questions

If there are any questions / queries / feedback please submit here. 

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Page last updated: 10 Mar 2025, 04:30 PM