Clare Climate Action Engagement Page

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Climate Action Newsletter

Clare County Council will soon be launching a Clare Climate Action Newsletter. The newsletter will provide updates on climate action in the county, information on upcoming climate events and guidance to support residents, communities and businesses. The Clare Climate Action Newsletter will be available to view and download on this website with the first newsletter to be published in the coming weeks.

Clare Climate Action Plan 2024 - 2029

Clare County Council has published the Climate Action Plan 2024-2029, as required pursuant to Section 16 of the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Act 2021. The draft plan aims to position County Clare as a national leader in climate action and strengthen the delivery of effective climate action at local and community levels, through place-based climate action.

The plan sets out key actions that will support County Clare in its transition to becoming a climate resilient, biodiversity rich, environmentally sustainable and climate neutral economy by 2050. The actions of the plan not only look at how Clare County Council can transform its own operations and services, but also addresses what other organisations the Council can partner with and what supports it can give to local communities and individuals.

Climate Action Suggestion Box

The Climate Action Suggestion Box is an online Suggestion Box to provide for all residents and communities in Clare to provide suggestions, ideas and feedback in relation to climate action. Suggestions can be in relation to any climate-related matter such as energy, waste, water, buildings, transport, active travel, community engagement, sustainable business and tourism and the natural environment etc. Suggestions can be submitted anonymously, will be reviewed continually and where relevant will be considered for integration to support delivery of the Clare Climate Action Plan 2024-2029.

Climate Action Resources

Climate Action & Energy Webinars

Clare County Council has partnered with Tipperary Energy Agency to deliver a two-part series of accessible and informative energy webinars. This bitesize 30-minute webinar, the first in the series, provides an introductory level overview of solar energy for residential, business and community applications and information on the grants and incentives available.

Climate Action Guides

Clare County Council's Climate Action team will throughout the lifetime of the Climate Action Plan 2024-2029 develop guides to key climate action topics. The first guide addresses Solar Energy and covers the key aspects and considerations from a technical and financial perspective.

Climate Action Newsletter

Clare County Council will soon be launching a Clare Climate Action Newsletter. The newsletter will provide updates on climate action in the county, information on upcoming climate events and guidance to support residents, communities and businesses. The Clare Climate Action Newsletter will be available to view and download on this website with the first newsletter to be published in the coming weeks.

Clare Climate Action Plan 2024 - 2029

Clare County Council has published the Climate Action Plan 2024-2029, as required pursuant to Section 16 of the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Act 2021. The draft plan aims to position County Clare as a national leader in climate action and strengthen the delivery of effective climate action at local and community levels, through place-based climate action.

The plan sets out key actions that will support County Clare in its transition to becoming a climate resilient, biodiversity rich, environmentally sustainable and climate neutral economy by 2050. The actions of the plan not only look at how Clare County Council can transform its own operations and services, but also addresses what other organisations the Council can partner with and what supports it can give to local communities and individuals.

Climate Action Suggestion Box

The Climate Action Suggestion Box is an online Suggestion Box to provide for all residents and communities in Clare to provide suggestions, ideas and feedback in relation to climate action. Suggestions can be in relation to any climate-related matter such as energy, waste, water, buildings, transport, active travel, community engagement, sustainable business and tourism and the natural environment etc. Suggestions can be submitted anonymously, will be reviewed continually and where relevant will be considered for integration to support delivery of the Clare Climate Action Plan 2024-2029.

Climate Action Resources

Climate Action & Energy Webinars

Clare County Council has partnered with Tipperary Energy Agency to deliver a two-part series of accessible and informative energy webinars. This bitesize 30-minute webinar, the first in the series, provides an introductory level overview of solar energy for residential, business and community applications and information on the grants and incentives available.

Climate Action Guides

Clare County Council's Climate Action team will throughout the lifetime of the Climate Action Plan 2024-2029 develop guides to key climate action topics. The first guide addresses Solar Energy and covers the key aspects and considerations from a technical and financial perspective.

  • Community-wide

    This is an online Suggestion Box to provide for all residents and communities in Clare to provide suggestions, ideas and feedback in relation to climate action.


    Suggestions can be in relation to any climate-related matter such as energy, waste, water, buildings, transport, active travel, community engagement, sustainable business and tourism and the natural environment etc.

    Inform Climate Action

    Suggestions can be submitted anonymously, will be reviewed continually and where relevant will be considered for integration to support delivery of the Clare Climate Action Plan 2024-2029.  

    Submit Suggestion
    Share Climate Action Suggestion Box on Facebook Share Climate Action Suggestion Box on Twitter Share Climate Action Suggestion Box on Linkedin Email Climate Action Suggestion Box link
Page last updated: 17 Jun 2024, 12:03 PM